Three pillars of exceptional service

Keeping you on the move
T&C Site Services repair, maintain and manage earthmover and OTR tyres throughout the UK to the highest standards. Our knowledge, skills and systems enable you to maximise your tyre’s life and minimise their cost.
We're with you in partnership supporting each and every tyre on your vehicles. We’re there in the mud, in the rain, on weekdays and on weekends. We’re there when you need us with the right tyres, tools and technicians. We're there throughout the journey, every inch of the way.
We go above and beyond as standard - it’s why hundreds of companies use our exceptional service every year and why we are the largest independent earthmover tyre specialist in the UK.

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breakdowns attended last FY

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jobs completed in last FY

breakdowns attended last FY

tyres managed

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years combined fitters’ experience.

years of operations management experience
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How are we doing?
Some honest feedback from Neil Hedley from Buckingham Plant hire.

Download our 2024 brochure
Download our new 2024 brochure to discover how we can extend the life of your earthmover tyres while reducing your costs.
Discover our team of skilled technicians, our advanced fleet, and custom tyre management solutions designed to optimise efficiency and operational performance for your fleet.

As an independent stockist of earthmover and OTR tyres, we are able to offer the widest selection coupled with expert advice so you can make the most economic choice for your business.
Choose from our extensive range or new tyres, remoulds and part worn tyres.

Our tyre maintenance service extends the life of your tyres, reduces costs, minimises sudden failures and maximises your productivity.
We offer you free inspections, pressure checks and inflation, tyre rotation, repair, vulcanisation, tyre sealant, tyre filling options.

When you call our breakdown support you are calling on the most qualified tyre technicians anywhere in the world backed up by the most sophisticated and well-maintained fleet in the UK.
Our National 7-day service is manned by IMI qualified technicians with more than 200 years combined experience.
Why choose T&C Site Services

Our technicians have the highest qualifications of any team in the UK, bringing outstanding levels of skill and experience to your tyre maintenance needs.

The T&C Site Services fleet is one of the largest and best maintained in the UK - fitted with sophisticated maintenance and safety equipment to get the job done quickly.